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Soldbuch to Stabsgefreiter Hans Dohman. The soldbuch is a first issue. Hans Dohman started his career as Obersoldat in September 1940, saw several promotions and was finally (very late war) promoted to Stabsgefreiter on 20.4.1945


He served in  1. Feldlazarett (motorised) 552 and was awarded the Eastern Front Medal on 20.8.1942 and also the rare Lapplandschild, confirmed on 14.7.1945,  this late date is quite typical for the Lapplandschild. He also received the Führergeschenk twice (in this case the Fronturlauberpaket) in 1940 and 1943.


Condition: the soldbuch is complete with picture and in a good condition 

Heer Soldbuch Stabsgefreiter Feldlazarett 552, Lapplandschild Holder

SKU: 19053
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