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Grouping to Reichsbahnoberinspektor Hugo Rutkowski, who served as an NCO (Unteroffizier) in World War 1 with the FLAK (Koflak 17) of the 17th Army.

In 1930 he completed his tests to become a "technischen Reichsbahninspektor" and then his career in the German Reichsbahn started. A more detailed course of his career can be found on page 4 of the Fragebogen


This  grouping consist of his:


- very decorative and rare WWI Urkunde for the wound badge as member of Koflak 17. Armee, signed by Hauptmann Hinkelbein
- preliminary document for the EK2 as member of Koflak 17. Armee, also signed by Hauptmann Hinkelbein
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer, issued at Schwerin on the 21st of December 1934
- Urkunde Silberne Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen als technischen Reichsbahninspektor, ausgestellt am 6.Juli 1939
- nice and decorative telegram to congratulate him for this 25 years of loyal service which was sent by "Der Präsident der Reichsbahndirektion Osten", ausgestellt am 20.November 1939
- promotion document to technischen Reichsbahnoberinspektor, ausgestellt am  8. August 1942
- Fragebogen+ Entlastungs-Zeugnis


condition: all documents are folded, but in a good condition

Konvolut WK1 Urkunden+ Dokumente Reichsbahnoberinspektor

SKU: 20041
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