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Death Card + Wehrpass to Schütze Martin Küppers (born in Weyenhütte, Mönchengladbach)


He started his military career with the 1./ Infanterie Ers.-Btl. 406 from 16.04.1942 till 23.6.1942. 


He was trained with the K98, Maschinegewehr 34 and Panzerbüchse.


30.7.1942 he was transferred to the 5./ Infanterie Regiment 438 at the Eastern Front. Martin Küppers was KIA at  Tortolowo, Newa Front on the 26th of September 1942,  within 2 months after deployment.


condition: good, wehrpass is complete

Death Card + Wehrpass Martin Küppers KIA Tortolowo (Newa Front) IR 438

SKU: 20005
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