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Soldbuch to Gefreiter Werner Waege who was born on the 30th of September 1925 in Langelsheim.


His soldbuch was opened in September 1943 in  Magdeburg with the Stammkompanie Pionier Ersatz Bataillon 4.


He was promoted to  Oberschütze on the first of April 1944 serving in the Landesschützen Bataillon 735 (stationed in Brussels)  and to Gefreiter on the first of November 1944  while serving in the Feldersatz Btl. 275.


His last unit was  Grenadier Ersatz Btl. 385, which was also part of the 275th Infantry Divsion. This suffered heavy losses during the battle of the Hürtgenwald.


condition:  complete, cover swast. has been denazified

Soldbuch Gefreiter Landesschützen Bataillon 735 Brüssel

SKU: 21005
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