Wehrpass to Oberfeldwebel Oskar Lieb
Oskar Lieb started his military career in April 1936 with the Luftnachrichten Ersatz Kompanie7/15 Augsburg.
He was promoted several times:
1.4.1937 Gefreiter
1.5.1938 Obergefreiter
1.12.1938 Unteroffizier
1.11.1939 Feldwebel
1.1.1942 Oberfeldwebel
He was trained with the K98 and Pistole 08. He also followed several trainings:
14.4.1935 pre-military training as Junker
20-21.6.1938 Funkerprüfung in Gütersloh
22.6-2.8.1938 Uffz. Anwärterlehrgang Luftgau-Nachrichten-Regiment 6 in Gütersloh
8.1.1937-1.7.1937 Bordfunkerlehrgang in Halle
16.51941 Ablegung der Hauptfeldwebelprüfung in Bonn
He was decorated with the War Merit Cross 2. Class with Swords and die Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938. He served from 1.10.1942 till 31.1.1945 in the 18/ Luftnachrichten-Regiment 202
Oskar Lieb was discharged on 1.2.1945 because of medical problems.
Some pages are not scanned because no writings were entered, but they are however in the wehrpass.
Condition: wehrpass is complete and has a lot of entries, but the booklet is loose from its cover
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SKU: 20026
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