Wehrpass to Obergefreiter Alwin Emil Nickel. He was born on the 10th of November 1916 in Emmershausen, Usingen/Wiesbaden
Alwin Nickel started his active military career in November 1937 with the 2. (mot.) Kompanie Pionier Bataillon 49 in Münden, Wehrkreis IX.
He was trained with the K98. He followed an additional training as M.KF. (Militärkraftfahrer Klasse 1) and Gasspürer.
Nickel was promoted to Gefreiter on the 1st of November 1938 and to Obergefreiter on the first of January 1940 while serving with the 2.(mot.) Komp. Pionier Btl. 49
After his training he saw action with his Bataillon, as part of the 10. Panzer-Division, during the invasion of Poland:
7.-11.9.1939: Gefecht um Lomza
8.-10.9.1939: Durchbruch durch die Befestigungen ostwärts Wizna
14.-17.9.1939: Wegnahme der Festung Brest
From 17.1.1940 till 22.2.1940 he was hospitalized in Reserve-Lazarett Arolsen where he died on the 22nd of February 1940.
He was awarded the Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen. In the Wehrpass (see page 21) is also mentioned the Freischwimmer licence.
The Wehrpass comes with the Übersendungsschreiben zum Wehrpass to his wife.
condition: good, nothing denazified and complete
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