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Wehrpass to Schütze Paul Janaschek. He was born on the 13th of June 1922 in Goitke, Militisch


Paul Janascheck  started his active military career in June 1942 with the 4.(M.G.)-Kompanie/Infanterie Ersatz Btl.154 (18.6.1942-8.9.1942)


25.9.1942-12.11.1942: 2./Feld-Ausb. Battl. 290

26.11.1942-27- 2.1.1943: 6./Gren.-Rgt. 502 (290. Infanterie Division)


He was trained with the K98 and the S.M.G.34 and he was also trained as "Fernsprecher"


While serving with Grenadier Regiment 502 he was KIA on the 2nd of January 1943 at the Eastern Front 


No promotions or awards were entered in the Wehrpass


condition: good, complete with passbild, nothing denazified

Wehrpass Schütze 6./Grenadier Regiment 502, KIA Eastern Front 1943

SKU: 22098
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