Grouping to Obergefreiter Fritz Schnell, 12./ Infanterie Regiment 32. He was born on the 5th of October 1917 in Spergau, Kreis Merseburg.
The grouping consists of :
- Urkunde für die Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938, ausgestellt 6.Februar 1940
- Urkunde für das Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwaz (Verwundung am 22.9.1939), asugestellt 23.1.1940 in Meisburg
- Wehrpass complete, nothing denazified
- Beteiligungs-Urkunde 2. Reichsberufswettkampf der Deutschen Jugend 1935 (used condition)
- description of his wounds made on a Polish document!
- his original "Wundzettel" and another one which was probably made in a hurry during the battle.- his original X-rays of the right arm (dated 25.9.1939, folded)
- Entlassungsschein (folded, in a used condition)
- Wehrmachtfürsorge-und Versorgungsamt Bescheid (folded, in a used condition)
- Bescheinigung für Ausstellung eines Schwerbeschädigtenausweises (folded, in a used condition)
- a booklet of a laundry in Komotau
Fritz Schnell started his active military career in November 1938 with the 12. (M.G.) Kompanie of Infanterie Regiment 32. This regiment was stationed in Komotau.
He was trained with the K98, M.G.34, Pistole 08 and Handgranate.
He was promoted to Gefreiter on the 1st of March 1940. On the first of November 1940 he saw his last promotion to Obergefreiter,
After his training he served with Infantry Regiment 32 . Since this regiment was stationed in Komotau ( Chomutov, Czech Republic nowadays), it was deployed to occupy the city of Prague
The regiment returned to Komotau and in August 1939 it was moved to Militisch to prepare for the invasion of Poland.
On the first of September 1939 the invasion of Poland started and he saw action in Brodna, battles in the area of the Warthe, battle of Lowicz and Bzura and finally the battle/encirclement of Warschau. During this battle (22.9.1939) he was wounded at the right lower arm/hand by grenade fragments.
After being recoverd, he returned to his regiment and was finally transfered to the Landes-Schützen-Batl. 383 for guarding POW's in germany. On the 19th of June 1943 he was finally discharged because of his injuries.
He was decorated with the Wound Badge in Black for being wounded on the 22nd of September 1939 during the battle of Warschau.
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