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Grouping to Eugen Haas, Obergefreiter in  Kranken-Kraftwagen-Zug 353, part of the 353. Infantry Division and Kranken-Kraftwagen-Zug 480 part of Division 480


- Soldbuch with passbild( period replacement ), 2 awards were entered: EK2 at 6.8.1944 (most likely for his actions in Normandy) and the KVK 2. Class with swords at 31.1.1945

- Begeleitzettel für Verwundete

- Ausweis ausgestellt den 18.4.1945 Generalkommando LXXX A.K.

- Urkunde Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern, ausgestellt den 30. Januar 1945. Signature of General der Infanterie Dr. Franz Beyer, winner of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross  on the 12th of September 1941

- Letter from the Kompanie Chef to his wife stating that he was missing in Normandy since 10.8.1944 (FPN 41 145 Kranken-Kraftwagen- Zug 353)

- 1 x Passbild


condition: good, documents are folded

Grouping Normandie (Soldbuch+Urkunde+docs) Krankenkraftwagenzug 353. Inf. Div.

SKU: 24071
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