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Grouping to Obergefreiter Otto Wollmann, 3./ Infanterie Regiment 467. He was born on the 7th of October 1909 in Coswig, Anhalt


The grouping consists of :


- Wehrpass complete, nothing denazified

- Schmuckkarte  der 267. Infanterie Division: Unsere Division ein Jahr Russland

- handwritten letter of the companiechef to the wife of Wollmann 

- Entlassungsbescheinigung SA stating that he was dismissed from the SA because of disinterest and disobedience

-Arbeitsbuch (front cover is loose)
-Lehr-und Prüfungs-Zeugnis


Otto Wollmann volunteered for the Wehrmacht in 1935. He returned to his civilian life after 2 months of training. (1. Kompanie Ergänzungs-Bataillon 17 Zerbst). He was called up again during the mobilisation of August 1939.


He was trained with the K98, M.G. 13, L.M.G.34, Pistole 08 and Handgranate 24.


Wollmann was promoted to Gefreiter on the 1st of  February1940.  On the first of  July1941 he saw his last promotion to Obergefreiter,


With Infanterie -Regiment 467 he saw action in Belgium and France. After the occupation of France the regiment was deployed in Russia (22.6.1941).


He received the Iron Cross 2. Class on the 25th of July 1941 and the Infantry Assault Badge on the 14th of November 1941.


Otto Wollmann was KIA on the 16th of December 1941 at Tschiminini.



Grouping Wehrpass, Schmuckkarte, Papier Infanterie-Regiment 467

SKU: 23069
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