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Soldbuch+Wehrmacht-Führerschein to Gefreiter Kurt Frank who was born on the 27th of July 1916 .


His soldbuch was opened in August 1943 in  Magdeburg with the Stammkompanie Panzerjäger Ers. u. Ausb. Abt. 2.

The Ersatz Abt.was stationed in Kolberg (Wehrkreis II) and the Ausb. Abt. was moved to Hohensalza(Wehrkreis XXI)


He was promoted to  Gefreiter on the first of  August 1944 serving in the Sturmgeschütz Abt. 272 


After his training in the Panzerjäger- Ausbildungs-Abteilung 2 he was part of the 2. Sturmgeschütz/Panzerjägerabteilung 16 (L) that was destroyed during the Invasion in Normandy


On page 23 one can see Feldpostnummer 11650 (Sturmgeschützabteilung 1016 L); he got "Einsatzurlaub" on the 17th of September 1944.


Finally he was transferred to Panzerjäger-Abteilung 272 which was formed in September 1944 for  272. Volks-Grenadier-Dvision. This division saw action in the Hürtgenwald.


condition: complete with passbild, denazified

Soldbuch+Führerschein Gefreiter Sturmgeschütz/Panzerjäger Normandie

SKU: 21037
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