Soldbuch to Grenadier Joachim Mallasch, who was born on the 11th of January 1927 at Lostau.
Typical late war Soldbuch that was opened on the 1st of July 1944 at Lager Berum with the 2. Kompanie of the Marineersatz-Abteilung.
Most likely he was quickly transferred to the Wehrmacht because of the changing circumstances of the war. He was shortly trained as "Gewehrschütze"(rifleman) with the 1. Stamm-Kp. Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 81 and then served in the Festungs-Pionier-Bataillon 54. The Bataillon was deployed in Mülhausen, Elsaß where it suffered heavy losses. At the 8th of April 1945 it was reformed and renamed to Pionier Bataillon 716, part of the 716. Infanterie-Division.
The Soldbuch comes with a passhoto of him as a HJ-Boy, Ausbildungsnachweis as Gewehrschtz.
Reichsarbeitsdienst Bescheinigung concerning his received vaccinations, a French vaccination certificate (dated 20.9.1947 as POW) and a small paper stating that he had turned in his Soldbuch at the head office in Blois, France dated 17-6-1946.
Soldbuch: normal traces of aging, complete with passphoto, nothing denazified
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