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Soldbuch to Gefreiter Willy Kanitz . The soldbuch is a first issue and was opened in April 1943  with the Stamm Kompanie Panzer-Nachrichten-Ersatz-Abteilung 82 in Magdeburg


He  started his career as  Funker. On the first of April 1944 he was promoted to Oberfunker and finally to Gefreiter on the first of  April 1945 .


He served with the 2./ Panzer-Nachrichten-Ausbildungs-Abteilung 82. On page 15 one can see he served in the Panzer-Nachrichten-Kompanie Rhodos part of the "Sturmdivision Rhodos".


The Soldbuch comes with 19 pictures of which the most show the typical Athens sights and attractions.


condition: soldbuch is complete with picture, nothing denazified

Soldbuch+ pictures Gefreiter Panzer Nachrichten Kp. Rhodos

SKU: 22058
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