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Soldbuch +Wehrpass to Stabsgefreiter d.R. Max Seidel . He was born on the 2nd of February 1908 in  Festenberg, Kreis Gross-Wartenberg


Müller started his active military career in October 1936 with the 1./ Panzer Abwehr Abteilung 24  at Borna. (15.10.1936-26.9.1938)


He was trained with the K98, 8,35 cm FLAK, 8,8 cm FLAK 18/36, MG15, MP40,Pistole 08 and  38. 


1.1011939 he was promoted to Gefreiter, 1.8.1941 to  Obergefreiter and the first of October 1944 he saw his last promotion to Stabsgefreiter der Reserve.


Both Soldbuch and Wehrpass are a "Zweitschrift" (second issue), most probably the first issues were destroyed when he retreated from North Africa while serving in the schw. Flak-Abteilung 644 which was destroyed in Tunisia (May 1943).


For his actions in Africa he was awarded the  Deutsch-Italienische Erinnerungsmedaille an den in Afrika-Feldzug on the 13th of August 1943 (FLAK-Rgt. 57) and the Ärmelband Afrika on the 23rd of September 1943.


From November 1943 till May 1945 Seidel served in the 2./schw. Flakabteilung 534 (v) which was active in Italy.  His unit was involved in the defensive battles at the Garda Lake (Gardasee/Lago di Garda) from 24.4.1945 till 2.5.1945 when they finally surrendered.


Seidel received the Flakkampfabzeichen on the 17th of October 1944 and on 1.12.1944 the Tätigkeitsabzeichen der Flakartillerie for his actions in Italy.


condition: both the Wehrpass and Soldbuch are complete with picture

Soldbuch+ Wehrpass schw. FLAK 644+534 Afrika (Tunisia), Italy,.. 4 awards

SKU: 22108
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