Small document grouping to Wilhelm Gerschke consisting of:
-Wehrpass with picture, no entries
-Urkunde Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen as Erdarbeiter
-Bescheinigung Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse Ohne Schwerter. Interesting document since it was awarded for his aid during 2 Royal Air Force Bombardments on the City. During the bombardment of 25.5.1944 198 people died; in the second 167 people lost their lives. Notice the description of "Terrorangriff" on the document.
-Reichs-Luftschutzbund (RLB) Ortsgruppe Aachen Ausweis für Hauswarte to most probably his sister, with picture
condition: used, but in a good collectable condition
Wehrpass/ Award Documents/ RLB Ausweis Bombenangriff Aachen Mai 1944
SKU: 19081