Wehrpass to Marine-Artillerie-Maat Karl Jakob Friedrich. He was born on the 5th of November 1905 in Köln.
Karl Friedrich started his active military career in April 1940 with the 1. Kompanie of the 2.Erstazmarineartillerieabteilung in Wilhelmshaven.
On the first of January 1941 he was promoted to Marine-Artillerie-Gefreiter. On the first of August 1941 he saw his last promotion to Marine-Artillerie-Maat.
4.5.1940-24.5.1940: Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 112 (Wilhelmshaven)
25.5.1940-5.1.1942: Marine-Artillerie Abteilung 240(Kanalküste Wimereux)
6.1.1942-4.2.1942: Marine-Artillerie Abteilung 604(Kanalinsel Alderney)
While serving with Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 604 he was KIA on the 4th of February 1942 between Alderney and Cherbourg
No promotions or awards were entered in the Wehrpass
condition: good, complete with passbild, nothing denazified
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SKU: 23065
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