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Wehrpass to Obergefreiter Helmüt Reinold. He was born on the 11th of September 1919 in Leipzig.


Helmüt Reinold  started his active military career in October 1940 with the 3./Schützen Ersatz Kompanie (mot.) 33 in Dessau. He was trained with the k98, M.G.34 and Pistole 08.

After training he served in the 2. Kradschützen Btl.19 from 3.11.1940 till 14.8.1941


15.8.1941-12.7.1942: Stab/19. Schützenbrigade

13.7.1942-30.10.1942: Stab/Panzer-Grenadier Brigade 19

 31.10.1942-23.4.1943: 4/K.19

24.4.1943-9.7.1943: Panzer-Aufklärungsabteilung 19


He was promoted to Gefreiter on the first of October 1942.  On the first of December he saw his last promotion to Obergefreiter.


The Wehrpass shows a nice battle calendar of the 19th Panzerdivision (Heeresgruppe Mitte) e.g. Moskau, Juchnow starting from 3.8.1941 till 9.7.1943


While serving with the Panzer-Aufklärungs Abteilung 19 he was KIA on the 9th of July 1943 at Blishejaja(= Blizhnyaya)-Igumenka on the way to Charkow.


He received the Eastern Front Medal on the 15th of August 1942 and the Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen on the 5th of September 1943.


The Wehrpass comes with an Entlausungsschein, Abrechnungszettel and some dried Edelweiss.


condition: good, complete with passbild, nothing denazified

Wehrpass Obergefreiter Panzer-Aufklärungsabteilung 19, KIA 1943 Russia

SKU: 22170
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