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Second issue Wehrpass  to Obergefreiter Wilhelm Tretter. He was born on the 20th of September 1918 at Ludwigsburg.


Tretter started his active military career in August 1939 with the 1./Infanterie  Ersatz Bataillon 187 stationed at  Mühlhausen, Thüringen(Wehrkreis IX)


He was trained with the K98, Handgranate,and Maschinengewehr 34,. He completed an additional training as Sanitäts-Schütze on the 19th of March 1941.


Tretter was promoted  to Obersoldat on the first of January 1941, to Gefreiter on 1.7.1941

On the first of September 1941 he received his last promotion as Obergefreiter


His Wehrpass shows a large battle calendar while serving mostly in the Sanitäts-Kompanie 81 and the 5./Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 113,  part of the 1. Panzer Division. 

1942: Rschew
30.1.1943-29.5.1943:  occupation forces in France
8.6.1943-24.10.1943: anti-partisan operations in Greece

3.11.1943:  Ukraine


Obergefreiter Wilhelm Tretter was KIA on the 11th of February 1944 at Tschishowka, Ukraine while serving with the 5./ Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 113


He was awarded  the  Ostmedaille.

condition: complete, nothing denazified

from page 48 till 51 a child has used the empty pages to exercise writing

Wehrpass Obergfr. Sanitäts-Kompanie 81- Pz. Gren. Rgt. 113 gefallen 1944 Ukraine

SKU: 24048
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