Wehrpass to Gefreiter Erhard Kunkel
Erhard Kunkel started his military career in September 1938 with the 1./E.II./ Infanterie Regiment 101 in Leipzig.
He served with the 2./ Infanterie Feldersatz Bataillon 24 during the campaign in Poland. Together with parts of Infanterie Regiment 303 and 314, Infanterie Regiment 329 was formed as part of the 162. Infanterie Division.
He saw action in Luxemburg, Belgium and France (Maginotlinie). He was KIA on the 26th of June 1941, only 4 days after the start of Operation Barbarossa, during the counterattack of the Red Army on Grodno, Belarus.
1.6.1940 he was promoted to Gefreiter.
He was trained with the K98, LMG 08/15, Handgranaten and MG 34
The wehrpass comes with 3 Quittungskarten of a family member
condition: good, complete with passbild
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SKU: 20073
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